5 Things My Pretty Post on Social Media Won't Tell You
I'm sitting cross-legged in the center of my bed. The cool air from the vent above is refreshing, but it's also blowing a tiny piece of hair into my right eye that is really bothering me.
(Scooches forward a bit)
I'm wearing my favorite pair of Vuori shorts (seriously live in these things) along with a Vuori top and an old sports bra. It's one of those sports bras that doesn't squish & mush the boobs, but it still offers good support if on a walk and you spontaneously start to run.
(Takes sip of tea)
I just got home from a 2-day weekend wedding. We were at Stout's Island Lodge in Wisconsin. Check it out if you have not been! It was magical. Ooo, let's define that.
Google defines magical as: beautiful or delightful in such a way as to seem removed from everyday life. Synonyms: extraordinary, remarkable, amazing, enchanting, wonderful, lovely.
Yes, this past weekend was definitely all of those things.
Fairytale fluff aside, I'm gonna be real here. After posting some pretty photos of the weekend, I couldn't stop thinking about how it was so much more than just those highlights. For one, the one dress I wore got REAL hot. And two, I used to hate weddings. I hated watching people express their love.
You know the scene in Bridesmaids when Annie is working at the jewelry store helping a couple choose an engagement ring?
"You guys love each other, huh?"
"Oh, that's sweet. That will go away."
Yeah...that used to be me.
5 things my pretty post on social media won't tell you:
1. This was the first wedding I've been to that I didn't have a pity party for myself because of my failed marriage. If you've been divorced, I'm not sure how long it took you to be "good" at attending weddings, but apparently it took me 4 years. Had a slight flashback when reading a poem I wrote out loud to the bride and groom, but we powered through.
2. I sweat through the dress I wore. Yep. Kept taking trips up to the restroom to unzip and cool-off. Obviously my pits were toast. Two huge sweat circles. Then when I noticed the two smaller sweat circles forming underneath the boobs, I was like, "AHHH....hell no."
So I walked all the way back to the cabin, sat naked in the bathroom and blow-dried my stains of joy for a good 15 minutes or so until they were dry. Then I lathered my entire body in Peppermint oil, refreshed the lipstick, gave myself a high-five and said, "Alright, let's try this again."
3. There were many other photos to choose from. Everyone knows you have to take at least 1500 pictures of the same pose to make sure you get a good one. I mean, check out these fantastic runner-ups (taken with my brother) below.
Then, after we've download the latest software to crop, filter, and edit the photos, we of course only post the ones that come out like this.
Not too bad, right?
(Quickly winks/takes sip of tea)
I don't know about you, but I miss the disposable camera.
Those Sunday afternoons, being hungover while waiting around at Walmart at the 'One Hour Photo' for your film to be developed. Then, while the photos are still warm, you hurry to rip open the bag with that sticky green strip of glue at the top. Gosh, it was always such an intense moment finally getting to see what images were captured that weekend.
(Closes eyes/drifts back to 2005)
4. Another thing my pretty post didn't tell you was I got to dance with what appeared to be a 73-year-old man. He had kind eyes and was very well dressed. He also smelled of an old cologne and Marlboro Lights. When the band was done playing Chris Stapleton's 'Tennessee Whiskey', he hugged my hand with both of his and said, "It was a pleasure to meet you."
If only he were 30 years younger. Or I was 30 years older - maybe it could have worked out.
5. Last, but certainly not least, I got to spend a lot of the weekend getting to know an adorable 3-year-old boy. I enjoyed mingling and talking with adults about work and grown-up things, but I found it was more relaxing to just play with him and run around barefoot in the grass.
Watching him get excited because you found a really cool rock. Or watching his eyes light up because you found a small hole in the side of a hill and you pretend theres a family of raccoons living deep within. I believe watching life through a child's eyes is God's way of keeping us big kids in-check. Slow down and notice the bumblebee on the flower. Slow down and feel the dirt he's digging up to find the buried treasure. Slow down and talk details about the make-believe raccoon family of 5 that's living in the hole.
A good friend shared a post that said, "Beauty is present in mundane moments for those who can see. Those who are looking."
(Finishes tea/pauses for deep thought)
Even though I would have loved to have had a date my own age to attend this wedding with, I'm incredibly grateful to have met these two gentlemen right here.
This photo actually means a lot to me, and makes me smile very much.
So, the moral of the story is never take a post on social media at face value. You don't always see people's hurt. You don't always see people's sweat stains. And you usually never see those extra photos that didn't make the cut.
There is always more to the story underneath.
I appreciate you taking the time to read mine.
If you liked the blog, drop a comment below! Also, for those of you wondering - yes, my brother is single. Please message me for more details and I'd be happy to help make any connections necessary.
I'm wearing a pair of old joggers, a tight long sleeve, and a new zip-up. "Think the tag might still be on here." She says while looking down at her boob.
If you're a single, dating mama and you're reading this, please know I see you; and you're doing a fantastic job. Really wish they taught a class on this path of life in high school, but thank God they offered algebra.